Monday, April 12, 2010

Medical Monday = ((Sex: The Cure-All?))

Now Playing: The Dream - Rockin' That Thang..." 

ey all - it's been a while since the last post - somehow we still can't get internet in this darn apartment! Tethering internet from my BlackBerry is slow and tedious - and we all know I'm forever working and at school. 

Anyway - if you're following me on Twitter ((Sn3akrfr3akr)), you'll see me re-tweeting facts from #FreakyFacts,  which posts random sex facts throughout the day. I'm surprised to know that there's so much more for me to learn about this sex thing, lol. Not saying that I'm a pro - but I'm pretty knowledgeable in the topic. I figure - why not enlighten the masses as well? Here's a few random facts for all my fellow pervs out there... 

Could you imagine sex as a tranquilizer
    Well, technically it can do the trick on a small scale. The oxytoxin released during and after sex promotes sleep. I can attest to this - as a chronic insomniac. A few bouts in the ring - and ya girl is k.o.'d. Lights out!! 

I was surprised how many women out there don't know how to do a kiegel exercise. One of my co-workers actually asked me to show her - naturally, I burst out laughing.
 Well, sex can help improve (and tighten) the pelvic floor muscles (and vice versa).
The best way to find your kiegel muscles is to stop your flow of urine while peeing. Once you master this move - you officially open a new realm in your sex life. Trust me. 

Sex relieves stress, when done correctly ((giggle)). Studies show that it lowers blood pressure and assists in overall stress reduction. Just think about that one friend you have that's always on edge ((Points to myself)). Male or female, a little release would probably do them a world of good. I can't lie, though - sex done incorrectly can cause more harm than good. That- is another topic. 

Got a cold? Have a dose of sex - it boosts immunity! 
Good sexual health may equal an improvement in physical health. Sex once or twice a week has been linked to higher production of an antibody called immunoglobulin A (or IgA), which can protect you from getting colds and other infections.
 "Scientists at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., took samples of saliva, which contain IgA, from 112 college students who reported the frequency of sex they had.
Those in the "frequent" group -- once or twice a week -- had higher levels of IgA than those in the other three groups -- who reported being abstinent, having sex less than once a week, or having it very often, three or more times weekly."
((No wonder I've got these allergies!)) 
I was told that sex burns calories - but I never realized how much. Thirty minutes of sex burns about 85 calories!
    "42 half-hour sessions will burn 3,570 calories, more than enough to lose a pound. Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions."
     Shoot - I might have to enlist a personal trainer for this one... 
And everybody's favorite pill - why haven't I bought stock in this yet?? 
    "Viagra, the well-known blue pill designed to help with erectile dysfunction, made $411 million in profits within the first three months of its release in 1998 before going on to make $1.8 billion in 2003"

   One survey reports that 53% of sexually active Americans claim to have sex at least once weekly. However, only 48% of Americans report being satisfied with their sex life. ((via
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Just a few facts to shake up your Monday. I'll be back with an actual, more meaningful post later on today. Make sure you get some "exercise" in today, ladies!! Your partner will thank me. I mean, you. 

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