Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fantasy VS Reality...

And so I realize, I am in love with an idea - a concept, if you will. The idea that a human can find their soulmate, after trial and error - and be with that person for eternity. Call me a hopeless romantic.

I am learning in my travels - that this concept is flawed. While it can prove to be true, there are loads of details that seem to be missing in between. Which details are missing? I suppose the countless moments of potential heartache, the nights of tears, the feelings of hopelessness. It's all too familiar to me. Although it's hard to pinpoint when they began.

You see - I've spent my life on a quest to find "The One," and like Zelda - I have stopped and talked to people along the way. It has helped me realize that there are so many aspects to finding love - some of which I have yet to define, most of which I never will. The problem is - I don't give up easily. Whether this is a positive trait or my iminent demise, I'm not sure. All of my teenaged years were spent with a character whom I thought was Prince Charming. He cared for me, did everything in his power to make me happy for the first seven years. Towards the end of our saga, he "evolved" into a creature of misery, dragging me slowly but surely into a pit of despair and unhappiness. That journey has ended. But I feel like the next might lead me in the same direction.

What's a traveler to do?

Bobby Caldwell said it best: "Girl, you think you're so wise..."
I thought I was, but all that knowledge is failing me now. Wonder what's next...

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