Sunday, August 29, 2010

Renter Blues...

The thing I love about my blog - is that many people I know read it and say nothing to me about it. Therefore - it is an open canvas for me to vent my feelings and move on. 

I am growing tired of my apartment. What used to be a symbol of freedom has become a space of confinement and sometimes aggravation for me. I moved here with the assumption that I would be in comfort - and I find my self being put in some of the most awkward situations. I won't elaborate out of respect - but I will say - I feel disrespected. That will be addressed another time.

So, I bring you to my next journey. Home ownership. Over the course of the next few months, I plan on gathering enough money to put a down payment on a house. Yes - I can do that. It's going to be a serious challenge, but it's totally possible. The amount of money I pay to live in this spacious apartment could pay a mortgage twice, even three times over. Why not just pay a mortgage? I can be at reckless abandon in the true freedom of my own domecile. I'm tired of worrying about who's here unannounced, or if I should lock my room door when I go to bed. Yeah, shit is like that right now. And it frustrates and saddens me. I'm way too passive to attack this the way it should be done; so I'll quietly plan my next move. Killers move in silence. 
I hope you guys are ready to go, cuz I sure am. 

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