Tuesday, December 17, 2013


This chapter of my life is called "Re-Lactation." Going back to work two weeks after Baby A was born really gave a blow to my milk supply. It has slowly dwindled down, despite my pumping efforts at the office. Now, I start my journey to get it back - and I'd love to share it with you guys.

I've been to my lactation consultant so many times in the past couple months, crying and looking for solutions. I've tried a few things, including Fenugreek - which I'll discuss on a separate post.

Yesterday,  she suggested more frequent pumping,  even when no milk is collected.  I'm starting out with five minutes per session on both breasts. Gradually,  I hope to see some effects.

It's going to take at least a month to get back to exclusive breast feeding (EBF for all the mommy linguists out there), but I'm ready for the challenge.  I've been this patient - why stop now?

As I go along, I'll feature the techniques I'm being taught and my feedback on each one. I know there are moms struggling with the same issue who do not have access to the support or resources.  You should not be deprived,  and hopefully my story will be of some assistance.

Keep in mind that results vary - what works for me may not work for others and vice versa. The hope is to stimulate interest in relactation for mothers who are looking to try. Don't be discouraged!!

Welp, my pump break is over - back to work I go...

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