Friday, May 14, 2010

Drake - "Find Your Love"

I'm just so happy with the direction Kanye takes his video production. He never seems to go the conventional route. Jamaica? Gun men? Mavado? I think island-American kids will appreciate this video, simply because we've watched both Drake and Mavado grow over the years. I'm so proud of Mavado for breaking through to the mainstream and maintaining the street as well. He's bound to be a household name real soon. 

The imagery in the video is beautiful. Panning out to the aerial view of Jamaica reminds me of flying into Norman Manley on a hot summer day, stopping on the roadside for coconut water. As beautiful as Jamaica is, it's crazy to see what the slums and gully side truly look like. Listen carefully, and you'll understand the old Yardie and Drake's convo. 

The storyline - totally possible, and there's so many dimensions to it. Imagine being a famous rapper and falling for a gully chick from another country. What can you do to stop yourself from wanting her? Doesn't matter how much money you have or how busy you are - if you catch feelings for someone, you're caught until further notice. Imagine having a moment of passion with a famous foreigner, but knowing your crazy boyfriend will kill you! I'd love to see if there's a continuation to this, and which song will it be. Kanye truly went to work here, and Drake's acting skills don't hurt, either.

Anyway - I give you Drake, "Find Your Love." Enjoy. Peep the cameos, as well...

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