Sunday, April 15, 2012

_Late Night Thoughts - Self-Pleasurvation...

What's so wrong with masturbation? It's a natural part of life - isn't it? Don't sit in front of this screen and say you've never. If a kitten really died every time - I'd have cleared out the stray pet population before I reached 21 years old. I see nothing wrong with this. In fact, I think it could keep so many of us out of trouble. Reach out and touch something...

Sometimes it's the only way I get a good night's sleep. One go at it and I'm beat. Lol, now I see what they mean by I act like a guy. Seems like they've got it all figured out. 

2am and I'm still awake. I've exhausted all my usual avenues of provoking sleep; reading, writing, homework, television, music. Looks like I've reached the final straw - time to break the emergency glass and pull out the bullet. 

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