Sunday, June 10, 2012

Comfort Zone...

I stumbled upon an old blog post from two years ago, and I realized that I've grown so much over that time period. You can read it here:

Anyway - experiences have truly shifted my view of the world and how it operates. The hopeless romantic lives on, and seems to have found sustenance in a wonderful place. I still believe The One exists, we just have to venture into a different frame of mind to find that person.</p>
<p>At the time, I feared leaving my comfort zone - at times us women (men too) use this as a defense mechanism. For protection, "go with what you know," right? 


Sometimes, most times - this thought process becomes a crutch that disables us. We are unable to see anything beyond that line of sight, and sometimes the treasure is right beyond that view. In addition to this, if people know you're afraid to leave your safe zone they will gladly take advantage of your fear. Keep you in pocket because you're guaranteed to always be there. Throw them for a loop, switch it up and try something new. I promise you, everything changes. The pursuant becomes the persued, the thirsty becomes the cold drink of water. Everything changes. Change is good. 

Think about it; are you still using the same phone you bought a few years ago? Do you even know where that old phone is? Without change, what once was new becomes obsolete, outdated - useless. Old products depreciate with time, and always end up at the bottom of a sale bin somewhere. Is that where you want to be? Any smart individual is constantly working to evolve, and those old thoughts and beliefs on love will just get your heart discounted and discarded. Next thing you know, you're being used as a door stop or to level someone's wobbly dining room table. You do not deserve that.

I say all that to say this. The initial fear actually turns intp excitement. Going to a mixer or lounge with your single friends. Giving that long time friend a second glance (you might realize how cute his/her smile is). Online dating is an option, but Please PLEASE be careful! There are millions of human beings on this earth, please tell me why so many of us are still lonely?!
Summertime is the season for love, so take the time to enjoy the heat. After all, the hottest romance could end up keeping you warm throughout winter...

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