Monday, February 11, 2013

Baby, Baby, Bayybayyyy...

These past few weeks have been all about baby. Stopped at IKEA to browse cribs with hubby. Bedroom sets for baby's room. I tell ya, this is a lot to process! The minute I saw that little bloob with that big little head and those cute little fingers dancing around on the screen, I became enamored. This is real. The doctor told me that baby was safely in the correct location, and I burst into tears. God is amazing. 

Ironically, during my excitement - I've gotten a few pieces of negative commentary from both people who are near and dear to my heart and some irrelevant characters. It amazes me that within such an amazing and blessed phase in my ADULT life, there are people who have so much to say. What are you supposed to be doing with your life? Because I'm doing what God intended for me. The judgements and opinions are for the birds. As I tell everyone these days, all my fcks have been transfered to my baby via the umbilical cord. All shade is being returned to sender. 

I still can't feel anything moving, but now that I know you're in there I can't help but feel good every day. No morning sickness, mild appetite suppression and a great set of boobs? I have truly been blessed thus far in pregnancy. I hear the glow starts this week - we'll see. 

Lately I've only wanted fruit during the day, and olives at night. My butt has grown two inches and my boobs one. I start my new exercise regimen this week AND I round off my first trimester as well. Good things come to those who wait, and boy I was getting tired! The icing on the cake is - I get to see Baby Bloob again on Wednesday! Nobody can stop my happiness right about now. 

No tea, no shade! 


  1. Yes! I feel like, you see true colors when you announce your pregnancy. I also feel like if you ever wanted to see how much you've changed, become pregnant, lol. Reason I say that is, when you come across situations like this one Kim, instead of that urge of slapping the whole ph*ck out of folks you once had before that plus sign showed up on that stick, you now, like you said, disregard it because your biggest concern is the life growing inside of you. Keep the positivity around you and as always, sending positive vibes your way... XO

    1. Thank you, E! It really has shown me who matters from who doesn't. People have distanced themselves from me because of it, and I couldn't care any less than I do now. I'm happy; I've got a good supportive man by my side, I'm gainfully employed and I live on my own - what's there to dislike? I graduate school right after the baby's born and I'll continue my college career. I don't get it! You live right, you get spited. You live wrong - you get spited. Put all my fcks in a bag and stuff it down that Diaper Genie, will ya!?
