Friday, April 10, 2009

||What the Passa Passa?||

Now, I love my Jamaican people, but this is crazy. Homeboy has one leg, and is on crutches - still daggerin chicks at Passa Passa! Get it how you fit in, right?

Peep him at the 5:50 mark...

I didn't even realize he was an amputee til the camera panned back a little... Dude was gettin it in. Gotta respect that.


  1. Man he is my hero. But I can't help but wonder if the reason he lost it n the first place was because of this... Jamaican mock sex ritual.

  2. That's a good point, lol - he could have been dancing in the street when a truck sped by and bam - one legged whinin' bandit...
