Tuesday, April 13, 2010

{{Say What?}} Racist Prank Pulled Off At Whole Foods...

Oh really?
I'll tell you this. Let them try this at my store - this NY girl won't be having it!! Jersey. Pffft!  

((via bossip.com))

Police in northern New Jersey say a 14-year-old girl grabbed a supermarket microphone and announced, “All blacks leave the store.”
The case is nearly identical to what happened on two occasions at a southern New Jersey Walmart. Edgewater police say the new case is being investigated as a possible “copycat” situation. They say they were called after the girl made the announcement over the Whole Foods Market’s public-address system Saturday afternoon.
The girl, whose name was not released because of her age, is charged with bias intimidation and harassment. In the Walmart case, a 16-year-old boy faces the same charges after police said he twice ordered all blacks to leave the store.

She would also have been charged with "getting her but kicked by her mother in a public area," "Public humiliation by parent," and "Being forced to walk home with a shoe wedged up her butt." I wonder where her parents were while she was doing this, and what they did to her after the fact. Growing up with a West Indian mother definitely made sure I didn't even desire to pull stunts like this. I kept my pranks to crank calls. Wouldn't risk gettin a rass beatin' in front of patrons. Much less other kids. 


  1. Lmao! yo i feel u...I'm from jersey(kinda sorta) but anyways I'm west indian too so u already know we dont play that. smh kids these days. lol

  2. I wish these parents would discipline their kids better - they don't even know how to act in public! At least let them misbehave at home, where no one can see. But this - this is out of control. Lucky a bunch of black kids didn't see her and kick her butt. Lucky.

  3. they just really need to stop. I'm suprised they don't feel absolutely stupid just thinking about doing something like that.
