Tuesday, April 20, 2010

((Spoke-N-Heard)) Ayana Ellis' - "Who I Gosta Be?"

"Who I Gosta Be?"
What I gotta do?
Who I gosta be?
so that you can look deep inside of my dreams
not of houses and riches but something more
like kisses when I walk thru the door
understanding of my past and why other loves didn't last
knowledge of today's world and why most women act like girls
why some men choose the state penn over steak and kicking gems
to beautiful sisters like me, and her, and my sister, and my homies and my mom
What I gotta do for you to not think your fancy car
or your watch is gonna get you a notch
I mean its nice
but so is my life
who I gosta be
to get you to be a part of me and see
that I need
and soft kisses on my noses
open car doors for me
before you open these thighs
can you at least open my eyes
to the kind of man you are?
this passion that lies deep down
is something so sweet so sound
know what your getting into
its something you can't get out of
but it happened so fast that
all you want is ass
and when your done,
I'm no longer the one
you said that I was
you said word to your son?
or daughter
or dead god brother or father...
What do we have to do
I'm speaking for the ladies not the bitches
the women and the sisters
to the gentlemen and misters
Who do we have to be
to get flowers
and brought home at decent hours
smiling while in the shower
scrubbing every part of my body except for my forehead
which is where you placed your lips
shortly before I was dismissed
to have sweet dreams of seeing you again
my borderline friend
Where do we have to go
to find the men that know
how to treat a lady
that knows the difference between the sunshine
and a betch whose shady
frontin like she aint about the pay day
but no longer wants to date you when you don't buy her something on
pay day..
What I gotta do to find a man well dressed
smelling of anything but sex
a man that's simple yet complex
Where can we find the truth?
you know that powerful man
that doesn't just love us when he can
but loves us on demand
so much loving that we can't stand
so much truth from his roots
dressed in jeans or in a suit
praying he appears just like...
The hardest of woman shares my sentiments
but all she knows how do to is be intimate
nothing more to offer
so he doesn't want to be bother
and now she's scorned
cause she thought her sex can hold 'em
lying there..pussy swollen
tears hard and strong she cant control 'em
good sex can't control him
Who do we have to be to get taught
and not bought
hugged, kissed and swayed
not fucked, dissed and played
Where is that man so into God
that he finds the God in me
where's that romance of "soon as I saw you girl
I knew you were my wife to be"
Is romance dead? is it all in my head?
Can't even pick me up a rose
but wanna pick me up and put me in your bed?
Wanna date me in my house
never wanna take me out
Only call once a week
when you want to get up in my sheets?
Longing for the day that no longer do men wanna play
but stay and ask me "baby is everything okay?"
Back rubs on park benches
subtle kisses in the car
flirting with me, though we came together
you send me a drink from across the bar
laying on our backs on the grass
making love under the stars
Introducing yourself to my mother
no matter how grown we are......
Who I gosta be?

© 2010 by Ayana Ellis

Ayana - you have got to be one of the most passionate writers I know. I see you doin so many big things in your future - shoot, in your present! I am happy for you, and honored to know you. Reading your words is like pouring my own thoughts out of my ear and onto paper. I write, but you - you WRITE. You are a true master of the craft, and I love and respect your work. Can't wait to see what's next. 

Please keep doin your thing - and I am your street team whenever you need me! 

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