Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fitness 2K12 - Measurement Day...

I take my measurements once a month, and it's almost time to do it all over again. I weighed in at 169 solid yesterday - which means I gained about 14lbs over the past few months. I'm always conscious to remember that muscle weighs more than fat, and while I've gained on the scale - I've lost inches around my waist.  Any other woman would probably look at the scale like "Oh sh*#!!," but I welcome the muscle mass. *gives butt a gentle pat*

I decided against the CrossTrain regimen because it's too strenuous on my currently jacked up back, but I have decided to increase my pilate and yoga to strengthen my core. This will help to lean the body upward and still maintain the muscles I love so much.  

I model my fitness plan after my two body gurus - Buffie the Body and Serena Williams. Both have strong physiques but manage to maintain their feminine curves. Who doesn't want a lethal core? 

I'm certainly on the journey to my ideal body - and it's not an easy path. I am sore from head to to, but the results are always worth it. 

Bedroom body AND Beach Body = one that looks even better when the lights are on ;) 

All Sweaty, lol

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