Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Roses, Thorns - and Pricks...

As I reflect on the past few months of my life, and my blog posts - I realize that my words have become more emotionally driven. A large majority of those emotions have been of longing, sorrow and sadness. That's not me. I know exactly why I've been this way - because my creative juices have been bottled up for too long. The holiday season has truly lit a spark inside of me that I miss and enjoy. The pleasure of brainstorming gifts, wrapping - the execution of delivery. The sheer look of enjoyment when someone I love opens a present I thoughtfully gave from my heart. "Elation" is the only word that comes to mind for me. 

My rose is beginning to bloom again. I feel its petals strengthening; shedding the old, wilted flesh and bearing new fruit. Some seeds are just not meant to grow right now. I know that. Despite how that hurts, this flower is pressing on. You guys are my fortress of solitude, and I store my words here for safety. The irony is deliciously rewarding. I find joy in entertaining my phantom readers. Big thanks to my undeclared Master Teacher - she has truly put me on to game and enlightened me in ways she may never know. Liberation is beautiful. 

On the flip side - I know I have to uproot the weeds in order to truly cultivate my garden. Some thorns have to go. Many will stick to the cuffs of my jeans as I work towards betterment - but I have to keep a keen eye and pluck them off; no matter how many times they reappear. It's bittersweet, I can guarantee you - but when I look back at my garden of life - I will see not a trace of them. You all have taught me some valuable lessons. I will never remove my heart from my sleeve. I will simply put a jacket over it for the cold times, and sunblock when the heat is on. 

Trust and believe - there will be times when the snakes bite me. You may catch an emotional post or two. But once I take hold of my staff and stabilize myself - I can expel the venom and be strong again. I'm more than ready for what's to come next. A little bit excited, too. 

And to my phantom readers, you can still enjoy the secret garden's view - from the outside...

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