Saturday, July 2, 2011

24; Another Year Wiser...

So, I've been 24 for a little over a week now, and I can say I feel the difference. Each year is a learning experience, and boy did I go through a lot. 

Twenty-Four is not particularly a "milestone age," but I've gotta say, 23 was a wild ride. I lost and regained valuable friends, moved in and out of my first apartment, and fell in and out of love. In retrospect, I really learned a great deal. 

  • Never Put All Your Eggs In One Basket
    • Because if you trip and fall  - you lose everything. This age-old word of advice applies in so many aspects of my life; financially, socially and romantically. Always have a backup plan. Every smart woman knows that. I, of course - learned the hard way. Never again ((shakes fist)) 

  • Fembots  Have Feelings, Too - Speak Up!
    • As a "good girl," we often get lost in the sauce; trying to please everyone and do everything all at onc. Eventually, we learn that this ultimately wears us out. This usually results in a breakdown or system overload. If something is on your mind - say so! There is no use in carrying all that stress around. You will end up sad and moserable - Superwoman needs to be at top performance! In the end - nobody cares if you suffer, as long as you are around to help them (on a pessimist note). On a positive tip, no one can help you lighten your load if they do not know it's getting heavy! So, speak your mind - I guarantee someone is listening. You never know, you might actually get what you want. 

  • Don't Worry - Be Happy
    • Things are out of your control? Don't stress it. In all honesty, the issues will still be there whether you cry about it or not. The best approach is to calm down, keep a level head and approach the situation in the best way possible. Keeping a cool head gives you a better perspective, and most of the time you will find that the problem isn't as bad as it seems. "Difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week." Hov said it... 

  • Love Hard - Laugh Harder
    • Relationships don't always work out. Instead of hiding under the covers and wishing death on yourself - get out! Find distractions, go out with your friends, have fun! Pretty soon, you'll get over it, and you can look back in retrospect and take your lesson from it. 

  • Family First
    • Friends come and go (some of them), but family is forever. Cherish the moments with your loved ones, appreciate them  and do your best to solve all conflicts. Because when they're gone - they're gone...
Thank you to everyone who has played a role in my life over the past year. I really and truly appreciate having you all in my life. Where would I be without you? 

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