Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Matters of the Heart...

So, we're going through something. But what friends don't? I just never realized how deep the wound ran. Nobody told me. I think I should have been a nurse, because I'm always trying to fix things - always looking to mend broken hearts. Make everything perfect so the smiles stay natural and genuine. Stomping around with this tool kit for everyone else - and forgot all about myself.

So, this time around, I took a leap. Instead of pulling out the sutres and performing surgery - I leave it on the operating table, barely breathing. I stand back and let fate/destiny battle - because only one can win. Who am I to tamper with God's plan?

Sometimes we grow apart to get closer. Other times, we morph into creatures that just can't run in the same crew. I'm a pack animal, not one of a herd. Sometimes I lead, sometimes I fall back and take the second row like a wolf. At no time, do I walk behind anyone like a cow. I won't start today. So, I let the tumbleweed of awkwardness roll - who knows where it will stop?

Sometimes, we've got to dig deep. Deep enough to find strength. To understand the choices people make, the things people say, the way they behave. Once we get to that level, we can decide whether they are acts of human nature, or the wounded heart of an individual. It's often very difficult to tell the difference. We all have wisdom within us - but even a shaman has much to learn. Sit back and observe. Learn not to pass judgement. And be honest as best as you can. Following that path will guarantee your spot in the sunshine. Some of us need a little more light...

Each year we grow a little wiser; a little more introspective and aware. With this knowledge comes the ability to choose. Which path will you take? That, my friend - is not for me to decide. I wish you all the best. Love is love. <3

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