Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Living Fearlessly

As I progress through my 25th year on this earth, I'm quickly learning that sometimes you've gotta go balls out for the things you want in life. No matter what it is, if it's something you've set your sights on - jump up and go for it. Travel plans? Dating? That promotion you've always wanted? Every lesson in my life has taught me a new version of this same concept. 

Every day, I care a little less about the opinions of strangers and acquaintances - even my peers don't always give the best advice. It's God that leads us to the places we're destined to be, which means most of the time we should be listening to the voice within ourselves. I've been subconsciously afraid all my life of what other people think of me. How much I help people was 50% personal desire to assist and 50% whether they'd be mad if I didn't. I'd overextend myself so much that I'd burn out! BUT - because I was so concerned with the next person's feelings - I'd stuff mine in my pocket and grin and bare it. It cost me many dollars and quite a few sleepless nights. 

Never no more. 

Last year I decided to do the things I always wanted to do - and they brought so much happiness to my life. I'd say what I felt when I felt it; not shooting from the hip, but with a lot less caution and worry. Human beings are not always receptive to honesty, but sometimes it's the only policy that works. Feels a lot better to the spirit when you get things off your chest. People will respect you for it, too! 

This new journey in my life brings me somewhere that I'm apparently known for - but is still a taboo issue. I'm really passionate about it, though - so if I take other people's opinions and thoughts into consideration, I'm destined to fail. So I won't. I listen to the ideas and suggestions of my immediate loved ones, who have helped me so much in finding myself and what I want to do with my life. Even when I ignore their suggestions, they still respect it - because I'm going out for mine. So far, it hasn't failed me. 

Today, I challenge you. Take one thing you've always wanted to do, say, touch, eat. One. Do it. Today. Now if you can. Don't wait until tomorrow - because you won't. Tell that person you love them, grab that fruit at the oriental market (buy it) - then go eat it! Don't get yourself hurt though, lol - I can't be responsible for that. 

Live fearlessly. Live YOUR Life. 

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