Monday, November 7, 2011

{{FitNess 2.0}} Kombucha for Life...

Some of you may remember that I was brewing my own Kombucha tea a while back, and I recently gave up because I couldn't get it fizzy enough. Today I want to go into WHY I drink it.

If you know me in the real world, you may often see me with a pretty glass bottle of funny looking drink in my hand. Normally, it's GT's Synergy drink, but lately it has been Kevita Coconut Kombucha. It looks odd, sometimes smells like vinegar - but is one of the best things I have encountered in my dietary journey thus far. 

I recommend Gingerberry and Passionberry Bliss...


Kombucha is a living health drink made by fermenting tea and sugar with the kombucha culture. The result can taste like something between sparkling apple cider and champagne, depending on what kind of tea you use. It's not what you'd imagine fermented tea to taste like.
green tea kombuchaThe origins of Kombucha have become lost in the mists of time. It is thought to have originated in the Far East, probably China, and has been consumed there for at least two thousand years. The first recorded use of kombucha comes from China in 221 BC during the Tsin Dynasty. It was known as "The Tea of Immortality".
It has been used in Eastern Europe, Russia and Japan for several centuries. It's from Japan in 415 AD that the name kombucha is said to have come. A Korean physician called Kombu or Kambu treated the Emperor Inyko with the tea and it took his name, "Kombu" and "cha" meaning tea. Russia has a long tradition of using a healing drink called "Tea Kvass" made from a "Japanese Mushroom".
From Russia it spread to Prussia, Poland, Germany and Denmark but it seems to have died out during World War Two. After the war Dr Rudolph Skelnar created renewed interest in kombucha in Germany when he used it in his practice to treat cancer patients, metabolic disorders, high blood pressure and diabetes.

I have found kombucha to settle my tummy, help with cramps during those "lady times," aids in hunger control AND has serious probiotic benefits. The first time I sipped it, I was like ewwww!! It has a vinegar after taste most of the time, and the little bacterial cultures are floating around the bottle. The flavored variations make it easier to handle, and the coconut version is definitely more tasty for newcomers. Ask anyone at my job who drinks it, we all have become hooked! A week cannot pass without me drinking at least two bottles.

I say that, to say this - a lot of times we as human beings have health issues that can be solved in holistic and natural ways. Instead, we end up at the doctor paying hundreds for medicine that doesn't fix the problem, it simply masks or removes the symptoms. Don't be afraid to explore the natural options first. Did you know that plain yogurt can cure yeast infections? It has similar probiotic effects as kombucha and restores the good bacteria to the lady region. Who knows what those medicines do to our insides? As I continue this health journey, I find more and more ways to stay healthy without the doctor's orders. After all, if you're never sick - how will he get paid? 

I also discovered that Kevita contains more bacterial cultures than Kombucha. It has less sugars, contains coconut water (which is great for your hair, skin and nails) and costs less (my favorite). Probiotics are the new wave, Dr. Oz is talking about them nowadays - but don't say I didn't tell you first! You can find these drinks at your local health food store, of if you're brave - you can make them yourself. Trust me, it's better to buy it. 

Homework and Kombucha...

Read more on Kombucha here:™-and-kombucha

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