Monday, January 30, 2012

Real Talk...

I have these days when I feel the urge to be candid. Can I kick it with y'all for a second?

I've lost quite a few friends over the years, and I see this as a part of life; a transitional process if you will. Some of those friends I still hold very dear to me, because I learned valuable lessons from each of them. Every so often, I encounter people in my life that really make a mark and impact me in a major way. I thought this person was one of them. Somehow, though - word has come to me from a complete stranger with whom I happen to have mutual friends - that this person has been talking about me. Why? I wish I knew. 

That's not the shocker to me, the real surprise is that what is being said is extremely untrue. I just don't want to compromise anyone's friendship by saying what I feel. So, I won't. It's not a rumor that affects my life in ANY sort of way, because I know exactly who said it and why. BUT - morally, I feel fake if I continue to spend time with this person. Break bread with them, sip drinks. Which means I have to distance myself - change it to acquaintances, and less of friends. It's so sad, because at one time I genuinely looked up to this person and thought they were so real. As an adult, I now realize that even the wisest of human beings shares faults with the most ignorant. Lesson learned, and now we move forward. 

Pretty sure you'll read this - not so sure you'll understand. Not my cross to bear. That is all. 

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