Sunday, January 15, 2012

Time After Time...

Random Feelings of the Day...

   I don't care what happens to us. How many arguments we have, how far we live from each other. We are always together. In the way we laugh, the way we dress - the phrases we say to ourselves (in public, in front of other people). They just don't get it. They never will. Late night drives to Denny's, Parking Lot Pimpin' after the movies. I love my family with every inch of my being. And in those times of need - they are the first line of defense against a broken heart. I don't know anybody else who I'm certain will leave work, tie their hair up and get the brass knuckles out for me. I would stop a bullet for them. And they know it. 

No matter what we're going through, how it happened, where when or why - we are always there. Clairvoyantly; like clockwork - we just seem to know when another is in distress. It's funny, because we are becoming our parents more and more each day, and I have learned to appreciate the nuances. I love you guys. Each of you for a different reason - all of you from the same heart. I know I can't tag everyone in this post today - but I'm certain each of you will get that Spidey-Sense and read it anyway. That's how God programmed us. Remember that when you feel a tear in your eye. One of us, somewhere else - is probably crying, too... 

Simpler times...

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