Friday, June 12, 2009

{{Self-Conscious Narcissism}}

{{Zune Says - Day 26 - Don't Fight the Feeling}}

So, last night CousinJin called me up to celebrate summer vacation with a night out to Weston for a party at club Fresh. My first thought was - A club in Weston?

But anywhoo, she of course brought her life {makeup} kit and dolled me up. Then we went outside to play with my camera.

Of course, LittleBrother wanted to snap some:

Jin makes me feel so tall sometimes, lol

Long story short, we ended up cruising Weston and skipping the club, which was fun nonetheless - and my face looked great. I didn't want to take the makeup off, so I ended up snapping a million pics of myself. I'm actually proud of them. I don't think I've ever wanted to stare at myself so much before. Thanks Jin, for turning me into a narcissist.

It's really hard to capture pictures of myself, because the camera can't see what I can. I struggled to find the right angle to show the makeup and my face. A lot of them came out really awkward - I'll leave those out, lol.
Ugh - watching Sealab 2021 - this is why everyone should be asleep at 1:45am. Too bad I'm not.
It's crazy - cuz I feel horrible that I sat in the mirror and took all these pics. At the same time, though - I can't stop staring at them. CousinJin did an awesome job.
My appologies for the boobage, but natural light looked just as good. I think the angles that I took the pictures at determined how the light came out.

Anyway, enough about me. My eyes hurt from staring at the screen, so I'm gonna attempt this thing called sleep. More pics tomorrow, including bowling night with my co-workers.


  1. lol - your welcome! everyone should have a few moments in their life where they're allowed to be a narcissist. soon i will take over the world and create more. u looked really great with your fake irritated skin diddy

    ps: link my other blog, not the bridal one - we don't want to ruin all the surprises :)


  2. Umm, follow my blog - I can't find your other blog, nor can I read.
